On Saturday 22nd April I laced up my trainers and headed off to Hyde Park to run 5km with RunThrough UK. My friend asked me months ago to do this race with her, even though I swore I would never run again after my 10km last year however I agreed. I completely forgot that I had signed up to do this run and foolishly did not start training until two weeks before the race. Now I'm not a runner, I don't enjoy it and find it so difficult. I guess if it was easier where is the fun in that? Now I only did three training runs before the actual race, which some people will see as more than enough and others nowhere near enough. I am definitely in the nowhere near enough category, to say I struggled is an understatement.
I always find the first 2 km the hardest, running faster than I should to try and keep up with the masses which then slows me down massively. I need to learn to stick to my own pace and ignore everyone else around me. The final 2km were up hill which was unexpected but I kept pushing on. one thing I did find disheartening was that there were so many people sprinting ahead of me, then walking so I overtook them jogging, then they'd speed pass me again and again. I was so focused on these people walking and being faster than me that I let myself get frustrated and downhearted. However I still didn't walk, I kept my solid pace the entire way around. Why does it matter what everyone else is doing, I should just focus on myself and making myself proud as that is all that matters. The event itself was really well set up, it took about two minutes to collect my bib and drop my bag off. I'd say about 2000 people running in absolutely gorgeous scenery finishing with a pretty swanky medal.
I did not set myself a time to complete the race, my only goal was to run the entire thing and not walk. I may run slower than a turtle running through peanut butter but I ran and I'm proud of myself. Everyone has to start somewhere right? Nobody can take away the sense of achievement you feel when crossing the finish line.
Goal: Run the whole thing without stopping (completed)
Net Time: 42mins42sec
Next goal: Sub 40 mins